Friday, April 28, 2006
Hello inet world
I'm starting my birthday present campaign early. I figure maybe a couple of good friends or the parents can pick this one up for me.
yeah I don't know how to make the links look cool....Ohhh
Anyway... you all just let me know who is picking up this little gift.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I'm baaaaack....
Ok of course I have lots to say, but I also have to get up in the morning so I'm off to bed.
I'll do a full post soon!
Friday, April 14, 2006
A picture tells a thousand words.........
But you knew I wouldn' t leave it at that. Being as I am semi-wordy. Not as wordy as some I know, but I've got some pretty long posts on here.....
Anyway, we've been packing, running things to the new house, and cleaning all week. Poor Miss Murry has had 1 nap this week and it's showing in this picture. Papaw took her for a ride and he even lets her drive the mower. So she's driving along and starts doing the head-bob and here is what we ended up with. I did transfer her to a bed for the rest of her NAP...I guess you still call it a nap at 7pm???
Got some stuff done today...moving tomorrow...going to bed now!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
The long move...
I got nothing, but some good ole complaining and that is just not I'll leave it off here.
One step at a foot in front of the box at a time...
Bad news...Dan told me they are like 2 weeks getting phone service out to the new I may be out of commision on the 'net for a bit. It sucks, but maybe that's the way to make sure I get thoroughly just sucks!
And I am putting myself to bed early.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Life in Moderation is sometimes more than I can handle....
I can't decide if Life is about moderation....or the extremes.....if you have it figured out, please share.....
The house is almost, almost done. We need the final plumbing work done. Some dirt work outside.....and probably 100 tiny little things that will have to get once we're in.
Went to my meeting tonight. I gained .2 Which I'm happy with considering how badly I've been eating due to convience and stress. Life gets tough, eat some cheesedip and chocolate. That'll make it better.....right? Nope. But at least with WW's I'm more aware and the meetings keep it in my mind even if I'm not following my plan exactly. So tomorrow's a new day...a new week of WW's. I'm gonna do the very best I can. That is all I can do.
Been in a sort of melancholy mood. I have lots to do, but much of it will be last minute. Going to make my list tomorrow and start to chip away at it. Can we say procrastination? I think I have to have the pressure.....or something.
Murry was a little sweetie today. She woke up at 8:30 which is super early for her. Luckily I got to bed at a decent time last night. Well we went to lunch with Mamaw and Nana. I could tell she was tired and not quite herself. When we got home I did a few things, including a load of laundry. Because when all else fails...I do Anyway as soon as I was done...she said hold you. Sure thing sweetie cuz I know the day is coming when you won't want me to hold you.
So she crawls up in my lap. Snuggle down in my armpit...and goes to sleep. Awwwww.......what a sweetheart. This from the same kiddo who as a baby fought every nap and sleepytime. She used to make me dread the much. It was too much of an effort to get her to sleep muchless dream of putting her down. Anyway this made my day. Just when I'm stressing and life seems to be going all wrong....she can change my day with her sweet little smile, or her adorable sense of humor. I love this kid so much. Too much. That's what's it's all about right?
Ok off to bed......just in case it's another early morning for us....that nap was a looooong one.
You Are Bart Simpson |
You will be remembered for: starring in your own TV show and saving the town from a comet Your life philosophy: "I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again!" |
30% weird...about 75 % stressed...
You Are 30% Weird |
Monday, April 10, 2006
Cleaned up, wore out, and ridden on......
Welll the weekend was spent running to Lowe's (4 times), and cleaning the new house. I took a few pics....they aren't great, but the best I could get at the time.
Here's a pic of what all this running does to a toddler.....
Today was recovery day. I had to go to the store. We were completely out of so much. Important stuff too like diapers, milk, and pop. I say those 3 things are necessities. We did our usual shopping trip. We start at McDonald's and get a nugget happy meal with apples for the Suga Booga and a grilled chicken sandwich for Mom. Mom eats hers quick and Murry nibbles while I shop. She loves to ride the horses at the end of the trip and I let her if she's been good. So far we've only had one trip where I didn't let her since we started this. She's a quick learner like that. Today she was talking about the horse before we even got in the store which is a first. It was so sweet. She said something to the effect of, "ride the horses...if good girl" I said you betcha baby. Last time I let her ride 2 different she wanted to do that again. Which was fine, but I didn't have any quarters or small Papaw to the rescue. He gave her a couple ones last night so we spent 1 to ride the horses. Yay Papaw! She had the biggest cheezy grin on her face the whole time except when I'd stick the camera up there. Then I'd get a dirty look. That girl can give some looks. Apparently she gets it from me...according to Mamaw. Here are the best 2 pics, one on each horse......
When we got was almost 4, but she wasn't tired. She played in the yard while I packed in the goods. Then she helped me unload groceries. She is so grown-up sometimes. She would hand me something and say,"Here you go, fweetie." hee hee.... Then she'd come to something and say," too heavy...Mama get it" Melts my heart a little bit.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Happy 50th to the old man...
It's hard to think of my parents as being around 50. That means I must be real bona fide adult. Not sure if I'm ready for that title.
My Dad......
- I've told him this before, but he gave me the best gift a parent can give......roots and wings....
- loved (loves) us more than a person probably should....and yes Dad, I do understand that love now that I have a kid of my own...and only now.
- worked his butt off too hard so that we would want for nothing....and still made it all our games and played catch in the yard and ball out in the drive
- taught us right from wrong....and has a morale that most people just don't have these days....
- likes to make the ones he loves happy...see them their joy....see their face light up!
- makes family a priority and has taught us the value of having a good family and treating each other right
- is very giving and kind...even though others may not always see it (sorry if I'm giving away a secret here, Dad)
- loves to tease me just to get rise out of me.....I have finally figured this out after YEARS of teasing....
- makes us laugh
- is wise (most of the time ;) )
- is a caring, sweet grandpa
- listens to us....
- is just all around the best Dad I could have had....and sappy as it is....I'm glad he's mine!
That said....the thought of losing him...or Mom makes my heart break in two. I want them to see Ann-Marie walk down the aisle and have her first baby, their great-grandbaby,.....and (selfishly) be there for me when I'm seeing my baby grow up. So please, please take care of yourselves and try (again) to quit smoking.
Ok on a happier note, here are a few pics from tonight at the restaurant.
Here's AM and her 10$. He actually gave her a 10 $ bill even though she knows no difference from a 1$ bill. hee hee. She does ask for 10 $ though. We think it's because it's the biggest number she knows. It made Uncle Ricky proud. LOL
Dad & Ricky....yeah there's an abundance of beer bottles I got a tiny little smirk from Dad...behind the hand there. He's not much on pictures, but I take them anyway. We had an evening of good food, and good conversation.
The pics of everyone else didn't turn out so great so this all you get.
Ahhhh...goood nap
I woke up to loud sirens going off. Tornado Sirens!!! I ran and grabbed AM and turned on the weather just in time to see that there was a nasty storm about to hit. Well since I had done my usually silencing of the phones while I nap, Dan was worried of course. He came in the door about 5 minutes after we woke up and right when the nasty part of the storm hit. We got things ready just in case the tornadoes came with it.
Luckily they didn't and the storm passed rather quickly. Then we headed out to the house. We needed to get things ready for the carpet layer coming on Saturday and the countertop guy coming tomorrow. This is all happening so fast now. We're almost there. My light fixtures are in and we have light. Oh and those track lights I've been bitching about so much....i love them. They look great!!! I didn't think we'd ever find some that are pretty and affordable for us, but we did!
Looks like I'll be out there this weekend, too. Cleaning outside windows, touchup paint, final cleanup on tubs and showers.......and whatever else needs to be done. We're supposed to move next weekend!! Wowsa!! It's been a long time coming. I have so much to all feels overwhelming right now...maybe I'll go pack a box to make me feel better....or maybe not ;)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
A nice day, a tired Mommy
Logan trucking across the yard....he was all over that yard.
Two cutie pies on two kiddie carts! Am's waving and snarling up that nose. Logan's like..."what a goob" hee hee
Look at those red cheeks. They were both tired here. In "girl fashion" she stole the good seat, but he didn't seem to mind. He sat sweetly in front of her and leaned on her.
Mmmmm....good cold raspberry tea....our mom's rule!!!
My WW meeting update!!!
Jami went with me to the meeting and joined. It'll be nice to have a friendly and familiar face at meetings, if she decides to keep coming to the Bixby one. I hope so! Afterwards we went to buy 1 more ceiling fan and take it out to the house. The electricians are almost done and the place is starting to resemble a home. Not long now. I'm sooooooo ready!!!
I have more for tonight, but I'm running out of in I have a kid who hasn't napped at all...and she's done with the video I put in to get this done. :D
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Motherhood.....a day in the park...
Onto that park business....Miss Murry and I went to the park today. As in walked about 8 blocks. So it was the long, slow toddler walk. It was supposed to wear her out and make naptime easier. Guess not. Anyway she walked all the way there. Well here are the pics of my favorite lil gal:
I had packed us a lunch--sandwiches, chips, and an orange. (lowfat chips) ;) --picture above--
We went on the merry-go-round together....what fun! It's so nice to act like a kid again, sometimes.
She climbed"up the stairs" as she says and played with the wheel.
She sat on and rocked on the zebra thing (horse per Murry) forever. Worked for me. Mom took a break.
The best part of our little trip to the park isn't in a pic. This park has a flat swing which actually doesn't cut my ass half in two. So we swang in that together. She had both hands around my neck and I was laying down holding onto the chains. She was having the best time, and I held on till I thought my hands might fall off. She kept saying, "I like it, Mama" and "fun Mama" I would have gone longer, but I swear my arm muscles were giving out. It was good mommy moment. One I want to remember when I'm having a rough day with her.
On the way home, she fell and skinned her knees. So I ended up carrying her about 6 blocks in my already tired arms. It was worth every second. She is such a sweetheart. She was talking about the swing and the slide and all the fun she had at the park. I told her how proud I was that she listened to mommy and that we would go back soon. (read as--no fit when we left) I even had the camera ready. I was gonna take a picture of the crying face, but she was a big girl about it. We came down the last few blocks with her riding on my shoulders. I could tell she didn't want it to end. It was a little hard getting her into the house. It makes me happy that the best times are times we spend playing together.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Short and to the point...for once
Don't expect it to happen again ;) Just a few Murry notes for the evening.......
- "Go Boys!" This is what she says to the basketball players on TV.
- "mice" this means mine.....and no matter how many times we correct her, it still Mice in her head.
- poop in your pants and then pee in the potty.....pooping on the potty is too much have to sit still more than 5 seconds for 1 thing.
We had a nice day of running around. We got a few errands done that needed to be done and a few we did to avoid doing other chores at home. Took a nice little walk with B. She pooped in the neighbor's I am with a kid, a dog, and no pooper scooper. Woopsie!
Misty's current mood: melancholy, indecisive, and procrastinatory as usual.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
The Sunday Night Post....
I have been out at the new house most of the day. We didn't accomplish much. Mostly just getting new locks put on the doors. Dan ran out of paint, so that didn't get done. I did make another decision about the paint. All once color....the 2 colors were just too much with all the other colors of the brick, roof, windows. Decisions, decisions.
Yesterday I sat at home all day as you can tell from the last few posts. Then Miss Jami got on to see what I was up to. Well we ended up going to Lowe's to pick out doorknobs and locks. Then Jami and I went on to the Elephant Bar for dinner. We had some nice girltalk and she came back here to wait out the storm. Her and Dan are both from Iowa, from towns pretty close together. Get a couple Iowans together......*rolling eyes* ;) Anyway we did have a nice visit and then after she left I set down to get on the computer for a bit and that is when I read about time change....omg...I lost an hour!! I hate that. It sneaks up on you so fast!
Today I think Dan wanted me out there mostly for moral support. I'm not much help at installing locks. All I did was clean up a couple windows and some hinges that had gotten paint on them. Oh and I did read instructions when Mr. Lock Installerman got stuck. What is it with men and instructions?? Right now I should be sitting down to pay bills, but I'm tired and mostly I just want a bath...or a shower. Can we say "learn how to pay bills online??" I very much need to figure that out. After we move. So after I get done on the computer, I imagine that's where I'm headed. Oh after I unload the dishwasher and do 1 more load of laundry......of course............
Saturday, April 01, 2006
What is wrong with this picture?
The answer is everything and nothing! This is just how it looks when she plays. She loves books and I think she looked through each one today. Poor Elmo looks like he's fallen and can't get up!
Ahhhh, there now Mommy feels better. She handed me each one to put away on the shelf. She also picked up all those toys. This is a little thing we do.....oh 4 or 5 times a day! And so it goes in the life of a toddler. Can you feel my procrastination today? I got a shower, but I've given up on productivity at all.
On this day....
So far today, I've gotten up and made breakfast.....and then lunch. In between I laid on the couch. Whoohoo big day! I keep getting up with intentions to turn the day around, but it isn't happening. The couch keeps calling my name....... Right now...there it is looking at me, just waiting on me. I'm going to resist it's charms and wiles, though. I'm going to go play with the kid. She's been so sweet this morning and she's played so well. She keeps bringing toys to the couch to play with me. :) Sweet girl. Ok enough bitching...this will pass...and soon.
Gratitiude post....cuz you know I have to have something positive!
- At least I have TOM which allows me to have kids and for that I am deeply grateful.
- I'm grateful to be a woman. period.
- I'm grateful to have such a sweet, funny, little girl.
Ok that's 3 and it's all I have for now. I'm smiling now at least. Off to take more advil and a hot shower!!! After I stop by and play with sweet, funny, girl. ;)