Monday, January 29, 2007


Since I have NO guessers and two people (weez and mom who are disqualified now) thought they absolutely had to know what it was, I'll give some more hints.

It is from a pic most of you have seen before, though probably in black and white.

I will tell you what it's not. Here are some guesses. I won't say who guessed what to protect the names of those people. Cause apparently they didn't want their guesses on the net. ;)

a terd
a nipple
a pickle
a tongue
a pecan shell
or any food

I will also tell you that it is a pic you probably have seen before. Here's a little bit more of the shot.

And here's the pic right after. I am looking for the specific object, here.


Lisa said...

I got it..its the snowmans nose from your christmas card..that i've seen around on the net somewhere lol...

Lisa said...

as for what it is...i would venture to say a rock...

Misty said...

You're the winner!!! A rock from our rockbed that makes up the snowman's nose. :-D

Resa said...

LOL. YAY Lisa!! I figured it out too, after the hints and the second picture. Oh well, just a little late. ;) That was funny, Misty. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the heck that was. hehe.