Friday, September 08, 2006


I know you were sitting on the edge of your seat.... We hit the park with Trisha & Tally the other day. Lisa was supposed to make it, but had a sickie at the last minute. We never are all well at once it seems.

AM went down the slide no less than 50 times, I bet. She's a big girl and can do it by herself this year. In some ways such a big girl... in some ways still such a baby.... The last one is of Tally waiting for her to come down..and well eating cheerios, or carrying them around. There was one super sweet moment When T got up on the step and wasn't sure how she wanted to get down. AM went and offered her a hand and helped her down. It was too cute! This is my what a difference a year makes. Here are 2 pics of her at the splash pad that are almost exactly a year apart. See how big my girlie is getting... No wonder she doesn't know whether she's a big girl or a baby, I go back and forth on this issue myself. She's definitely growing up fast, though!

Flowers for mommy, picked by my little darling. She got these from when she went to stay with Nana so I could go to the Dr's office. She really enjoys going over there, where the word no and all likenesses of NO...become basically! But really, they do have fun together!

Going to scrap tomorrow! Whoooooooooooohooooooo Good night!!!!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

So sweet! They are both getting so big... "tear"