Friday, September 08, 2006


Well we are all recovered from the sickies. Since we all got it at staggered times, it was a nice, long drawn out 2 weeks thing with a sinus nasty that held on even when you thought you were better. I wasn't on the computer too much during that time. I actually watched entire movies which is almost unheard of for me! And several at that! Usually if I have a spare minute, I am cleaning, doing laundry, walking, or scrapping!!! That's of course after I have spent time with my best girl....

She danced with the best of them for 1.5 hrs at Josh & Amber's wedding. I have video, but it would take too long to upload! It's a hoot!The view from the front. Little white flowers all up in her hair.... And carrying Mamaw's purse. Ecpect Scrapbook pages soon!!!
Opening what turned out to be a definite favorite gift, though she has really loved and enjoyed all her birthday gifts. She has a blast with her babies, and her new table...and loves pushing around her shopping cart with her new food in dress up high heels...LOL It's a sight!
Strawberry Shortcake cake! Oh so yummy and oh so HUGE! Next year, we're cutting back the size of that cake. It was scrumptious though. And come to find out, made with applesauce and not oil. Moist, and delish!

Hanging out with Daddy! This was the day of the wedding...her actual birthday. Big 2 year old! We gave her a bubble bath in the frontyard. Does that say hillbilly to you? LMAO!

More to come...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love the pics...yeah you a slacker lately too....i adore her outfit at the wedding she the flower girl?