Friday, May 05, 2006

Too little.......

Between sleep deprivation and today's funeral, I am one wiped out chickie. Miss Murry decided that it would be fun to get up at 5:30 this morning.....for the day. Little turkey! She has been a complete toot as I fully expected with that wake-up time. She did nap for a couple hours around noon, and is already tucked in for the night as I plan to do to myself as soon as I finish up here.

The funeral was a nice one as far as funerals go. There was a lot of people who came to show their respects and lots of nice things said about my dear cousin. I got to see all the family on that side, but that is definitely not how you want to get together. I do wonder what happens when some mean old fart dies? Do people show up? Do they make up things to say. All of the funerals I've ever been to have been people who had lots of family and friends. And they were good people, so it was easy to say nice things about them. Just makes me wonder....

We went back to my aunt's house for a bit and I looked through some old picture albums. There were 4 of us cousins born in the same year and then a 'step' cousin I guess you'd call her since she was married into the family later on. Anyhow I guess it must have been a fertile year in our family. So there were lots of pics of us kids. The most popular was of us standing out in front of the flowerbeds cheezin out. I say this since there were several of us at different ages doing just that. Murry definitely looks like her mama a lot and somewhat like an older cousin of mine. I see some Daddy in her now and again, but I see a lot of me. There was one particular "look" in a picture that is just so the same. I see it all the time on the face of my little sugar buga. Anyway the pictures were a nice walk down memory lane.

As a little tribute...I'm gonna post all the memories I have of times spent with my dear cousin who will be missed.
  • Lots of time swimming together...her pool, our pool, the lake.....
  • A super fun camping trip with all of us cousins together.....think 4th of July....long weekend....and we were still young enough to think that camping in a tent was "fun".
  • So many nights spent over at grandma's house together that I couldn't possibly count. It was right up Granny's alley. She had us girls there for company and we would keep her up till 1 or 2 am and then she'd just give it up and get up. She'd say well while I'm up, what do you girls want to eat? I always took some cheesedip and chips and Stacy had icing on crackers. That sounds easy enough except that none of it came from a can.....all homemade. Gran would say, "while I'm up a minute I'll eat a bowl of bran cereal and play a game of checkers" or she might sit and read the bible while we played. She never got mad at us for staying up late, which was so sweet of her.
  • Walking to Sonic while we were at Granny's for a week and needed our fast food fix.
  • Hours spent on the merry-go-round at the park......just waiting to see who would turn green in the face first....almost always her...hee hee
  • Playing school and talking about how one day we both would be teachers.....
  • The time I talked her into "borrowing" my aunts truck and driving up to the 7-11.......when we were 14......these things do have a statute of limitations and it is well up....
  • Late night talks....
  • Cooking together......making pizzas......
  • Just being silly little girls who giggled and laughed....
  • and towards the end of the week...who fought, cried, and then made nice with each other...

She will be missed.


Resa said...

Misty, those sound like some great memories. You made me smile and cry at the same time. I know you will miss her and I hope you are able to find peace with the whole situation. *BIG HUGS*

Lisa said...

aww....try to hold on to those memories cause you can tell her little girl one day. By the way your gran neet to have those memories. My grandparents lived behind a sonic so I totally know about walking over to get an ice cream. :) Get some rest and I hope Little Murray slept longer for you.

Trisha said...

Great Memories Misty! Thanks for sharing them with us. (((Misty)))

Anonymous said...

I'm a little behind on reading the Adventures, Stacey will be missed, but memories last forever. (I didn't know about 1 in particular) HeHe you little sneaks. The title of "Too Little" is perfect for Stacey. Remember that's what her daddy called her. Made her soooooo mad when she was young......I bet he greeted her in heaven with a hug and said " your too little to be here" I know she is being watched over by the best:)