Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A splatter of my mind onscreen, and just for you!

This is what AM looks like on cleaning day. She gets out the vacuum to "help" me clean which last about 10 minutes. Then she looks like this. For those who don't know, our TV is over that way. Bambi played twice today, but the house is very clean.

How stinking cute are these? Ok, they aren't the best looking shoes in the world, but they are great on my bad foot, and the matching pair for little me are adorable!!! Thanks Mamaw!

These are perfect for running to the mailbox, or walking back and forth to the grandparent's house.

Oh and they go good with that dress she had on and with lots of dirt of course. Very patriotic, too.

I finally saw it and got the confirmation. I was brushing along and saw the little white source of all our pain, misery, and whining lately. The tooth, the two-year molar tooth. My child used to sleep in till about 10am every day, and now she's up with the chickens...6, 7, maybe 8 if we're real super duper lucky. I wanted a new schedule, but not this one! Hopefully after these teeth come in she will sleep in till the decent hour of at least 8 everyday, preferably 9.

Ok that's my gripe for the day..had to get it out.

Tonight we were sitting on the porch over at the folks house (porching is a sport around here) and Miss Murry decide to just take off toward the house....and we let her go just to see if she would go by herself. She walks all the way over to our house (like a couple hundred feet away). She walks up on the porch, and pushes her bubble mower over to the other end, grabs a few rocks and then brings them all the way back over to us. Ummmm when did she get big enough to do that? She looked so very tiny walking allll the way over there by herself.

Back to "porching", does anyone else make a sport out of this? We used to at the lakehouse, which is sadly missed at times. Now we have a couple big porches around and we tend to gather on them everyday after work. Murry watches for the trucks to come home. Mamaw, Papaw, Daddy, and Uncle Ricky.... Almost seems like I should have me 5 or 6 kids just to fill up these big porches, right?

I try very hard to be one who is grateful for what I have. I try to take pleasure in my daily rounds. This can be challenging when your daily round is about the same. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, and taking care of a little one. Most of the time I love it, but sometime I miss the recognition I got from a job outside the home. There was the money, all the apprecitation from my students and their parents. Not to mention the other teachers. But there are a few hundred things I DO not miss about teaching, and the thought of leaving my kiddo with someone else all day....I just don't think I could do it. I'm not ready yet. The first day of school will be very, very hard....for me.

A few of those things I do not miss:

  • GRADING papers!
  • paperwork, paperwork, paperwork...
  • super challenging behavior problems...and I'm not talking 'a little ornery' here
  • recess duty!!
  • lack of funds for meeting objectives that are required..not to mention for anything "extra"
  • gripy parents who do not hold their kids responsible for bad behavior/late work/ disrespect, etc.
  • personally...having to get up and be all "made-up" and ready to go by 7:30. Yucko!

Things that ROCK about being a mom:

  • the love
  • the sweet/tender moments
  • watching them grow and change
  • being home with her/not missing out on the "firsts"
  • playdates
  • storytime

I could go on all day, but we all know that this post is getting terribly long. And those who know me well, know I should go to bed already. So g'night and I'll leave you with this thought...

If nothing changes, nothing changes. -a lady from WW's


Resa said...

That was a great post. We don't sit on our porch much, sometimes out back, but rarely out front. I love sitting outside in the evenings. I am often torn between working and staying home. I am glad that I only have to work 3 days a week, but many there are many days when I would just rather stay at home, but the paychecks right now are helping so, yeah, I guess it's worth it.....that is until we have another baby. ;)

Lisa said...

Loved the post, missed reading your mind lately! I'm sorry Miss AM is hurting. I bet she starts a better schedule. About her running to the other house at least she came back! About Porch People. It's only okay if you don't have a neighbor across the street. I had some living across from me. They were loud and I couldn't take the trash out or walk out in my robe without getting them looking at me...or plant flowers in my garden without them just staring at my butt. But I enjoy a big porch too...better get started on those youngins!