Saturday, May 27, 2006

Porching, taking life slow.....and visiting with neighbors...

We go out about everyday to watch for our people to get home from work. Here she is looking for cars to come down the road. I give her a heads up when I hear a car. We can always hear Mamaw when she turns the corner, however. Yep Mamaw's got some pipes on her truck. hee hee....of the whole group, she's the last one you'd expect to have a "loud" car. In this particular pic tho, it's Daddy coming up the drive......

Here's the setup for listening to some good bedtime tunes. I think I"ve heard "This Little Bed" a few thousand times now. She can just listen to it over and over. She's become the queen of stalling at bedtime, but sometimes it's just sooo darn sweet.

Here I had told her I had to go make dinner and she hopped up on the couch and started reading a book. I was in shock and had to take a picture since usually she follows me to the kitchen and ask tons of questions until I ignore her and she goes off to play. Soooo nice when they actually do something you want them to once in awhile.

Then she realized I was taking pictures and had to pose and be a cheezer. Whatta little ham! She's reading Bambi by the way. Having a Bambi kick over here, lately. When she watches the movie, and it comes to the part where the mama deer is killed. She hears the gunshot and says, "Bambi pooted?" We always say Yes! Then when he's searching for his mom, she keeps asking, "Where's mother?" Soooo sad. I have to just tell her she must be lost. At which I get a strange look....

This little guy decided to join us last night in our porching. I guess you could call him a neighbor. He was hanging out in the front yard, possibly in a gopher hole. There are few animals I want to see killed....but snakes, any snakes are on that list! He's a bullsnake and about 5 1/2 feet long. He's the 2nd biggest one we've seen out here. We will tread lightly in the dark, and try to remember those darn flashlights!

So we're staying home a lot more, and just taking it easy. When you are out in the country, there is always something to do outside in the evening once it cools off a bit. And if there's not anything, then there is always porching.


Resa said...

AHHH!!!! You could warn a girl that there are pictures of snakes ahead. eeek!

Cute pictures of AM. I think she looks a lot like her momma in that first picture. ;) We've (Dylan has) been trying to stall bedtime around here lately too. So cute that she likes to sit outside and wait for everyone to come home.

Anonymous said...

Hey I ain't no granny!!!! I hope our pesky neighbors move farrrrrrrr away too. Murry likes our porching until darkness comes, then she's ready to go to the new house or in to see Kali huh.. she's such a cute smarty:)

Trisha said...

Aww cute pics! She's getting so big!

Lisa said...

really cute Pictures and she is looking sooo big. Lol about reading the book while you cooked dinner.