Sunday, May 07, 2006

My furry little passenger..

One day I went out to get something from my car and noticed that Miss AM's carseat cushion had a little hole and some stuffing coming out. Hmmmm. I had just washed it, but I figured I wouljd have noticed that. A critter did cross my mind since I have one who is munching all the shoelaces on the front porch. Being as forgetful as I am or have become, I just moved along...

A few days later I went back to my car (no i haven't left the house much lately) and much to my surprise (since I'm so very forgetful) this little critter has eaten more of the carseat, left little terds everywhere, and destoyed one Princess sippy cup. I guess all that cotton he was chewing on made the little guy thirsty. Here I was trying to leave, headed to town to eat lunch with my mom.....and I now officially have a mouse or worse yet, a rat in my car. Oh joy of all joys! Well rather than acting all girly and making D come home to rid me of my vermin, I decide to drive to the shop and let them take car of it there. So I have to strap AM into the disgusto carseat(I did wipe out the terds) and drive and pray that the little shit doesn't run across her or up my leg....
Holy crap, that was the looongest 15 minute car ride EVER! About half-way I heard the turkey start squeaking and he kept it up the rest of the drive..... Then right as I rounded the corner into town, I see a brown blur streak across the passenger floorboard. Oh My Gosh! Now he was up in the dash area somewhere. Yikes!

I made it though without touching him. I took my dad's truck and went and got 3 traps. Two of the sticky kind and one rat spring trap. I got the rat one just to be on the safe side. Well he at the bologna off that trap and pooped on it! Apparently he wasn't heavy enough to set it off. Well he may have won that one, but the sticky trap got him, and he turned out to be a little brown mouse. I felt sort of bad for him stuck there in all that sticky. Those sticky traps work great, but they aren't the most humane thing. Poor D had to do the dirty deed and he didn't like it at all. I guess the little guy made the move with us and got caught up in the car. Well maybe he shoulda just stayed behind at the rentplace......

Update on AM:
She is still cutting those delightful molars. Which means that my sweet little girl has been taken over by aliens. She is whiny, clingy, and hardheaded. I do so hope it passes. At least the fever has passed. She ran that for about 3 days....which was worrying me.


Lisa said...

yikes..i would be doing my typical lisa squeel...i hat are a tough broad...

Lisa said...

oh yeah and lmao!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I would have to agree with Miss Lisa! I'm applauding you! Way to go for getting that crazy rascel.

Trisha said...

HA! Finally telling that story. ;) I already told you, I would have spazzed! Much braver than I am. No way would I have gotten into that car.

Misty said...

lol...I have my moments....