Monday, May 08, 2006

Little ears are listening......always....

Good day with the grunyun today. She seemed much more like her self. She actually let me get some things done. We did things together off/on without complete meltdowns when Mama had to move along. She's getting on a better shedule which means I can too. whoohooo!

We worked around here this morning, then headed to town (yes we're countryfolk) for a few errands. We came home just in time for Murry's nap. Then I worked on the floors for 1/2 the nap and got in some computer time for the other half. I'm working on my addictions. See how I compromised..with myself...

Tonight I fixed dinner for all the family and I'm digging this living next door to the parents. I know Murry loves seeing Mamaw and Papaw everyday. What a lucky little girl she is.....

I've had to change my language since AM has become a speaker. Instead of calling ppl bad names when they hack me off (cuz yes i do talk to myself) I call them names like dork, goober, and gomer. Well the other night walking back over form my Mom's I called our dog gomer because he was barking at us. Then AM pipes up....Gomer Pyle....LOL..... She's listening even more than I ever think she is. She's at the age where she says the funniest things. We have a couple of books memorized and she has a line out of each page. My favorite is Lovebug....

You're my little Lovebug
My cuddly kangaroo
My funny bunny sweet as honey
All of this is true

You're my Lovey Dovey
My stinker winker bear
My silly, willy
Alligator Stare.....

The red are her line that she reads from a couple of the pages .....just sort of melts my heart....she's growing up so fast. Then she also thinks that if she doesn't read her part, that she can stretch out bedtime. She's so into stalling. I want water. I want to lay on the pillow. Hold me, Mommy. I guess this too will pass, right? I hope anyway. I like bedtime to be fun, and sweet, but not an hour long. My goal is about 30 minutes from the time I walk back to get on the PJ's. I've been making my time most nights, but she isn't happy about it. I know I can't please her all the time, but every once in a while I say screw it and just do whatever it is she is wanting. I think that's okay. Sometimes it's just more Mommytime......which I can handle...:-D


Lisa said...

cause that mommy time is for you in the end to remember....i loved the post...*tear*

Anonymous said...

I'm diggin the kids next door too, I get my Mamaw time and dinner to boot....which was delicious btw:)

Misty said...

Lisa~~~ so right...for me..and for her, but a lot for me...

Mom~~~Glad you liked it! It was even WW friendly...:)

Resa said...

sweet post. :D

glad she is feeling better.