Friday, March 03, 2006

Who's ready to party???

Ummm not Mom at 3 in the morning!

Don't you just love the double tubes of snot running down AM's face in the last post. It seems like that's all I've been doing lately is wiping snot. It's gone from a clear faucet to a green drip......ewww!

So last night sucked butt--sort of. Dan got home after 10 which has been bedtime lately so he can see her. So I put her to bed at regular time, but she didn't get to see her daddy. She went to sleep and all, but she was up at 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30. Ok so she's sick right? Well she is , but she was up in there jumping around having a party--not feeling bad at all. I'm getting to the end of my rope and not feeling like the good mommy I was Monday night when I could understand all this disruption of my sleep. So I'm laying there and I'm thinking why the hell is she awake??? So I've come up with some options:
  1. The medicine is keeping her up, but this theory blows since she had it 6 hours ago now.
  2. She has too much medicine in her tummy and not enough food since she didn't eat much. This could be hurting her tummy.
  3. She didn't get to see her Daddy before bedtime, so she thinks this is a nap, and it's time to get up and PARTY!!!

Read on to see which one wins. I decided the first one was instead that her medicine wore off and gave her more since it's one that says every 4 hours. So that kills #1. Then I get up and make her some oatmeal since it's one of the few things she wants to eat right now. I go in there and feed her oatmeal at 3:30 am. (I promise I didn't shove it down toooo hard!) Ok so I sit with her in the rocker and now she wants to visit with me. I asked her if she had an owie anywhere and she point to her foot. I kiss it. I am beginning to suspect an ingrown toenail, though because she says this often and I don't see anything. Reason #2 is still a slight possibility. Anyhow, she finally says it, Daddy at work? No, he's sleeping I say. I want to see Daddy. Awwww and she was so sweet when she said it. So I take her in there to show her that Daddy is sleeping and she wakes him up and is all hugging on him. They play for a few minutes in bed and he takes her back to her room to read a few stories. The best part is that I had been telling her that Mama was trying to sleep. So I brought in to see Daddy for a minute and sat her in bed between us. I lifted my head up for something and she patted my head and said, Night, Night, Mama. LOL....this kid cracks me up! It was like I'm seeing Daddy now--you go on to sleep. Nevermind that you're the one who's been back and forth for 3 loooooong hours. That's when I told him to takeher in and read to her and put her back down. He puts her down around 4 am and off to sleep she goes......not to be heard from until 10:45 thank goodness. The funny and by funny I mean frustrating thing is that if I'd sent him in there at 1:30 we could have had many more hours of sleep. I told him one of the times that he woke up that I thought she might be wondering about him and if he made it home and all. Oh well live and learn, right?


Resa said...

oh no!!!! sorry she had you at all hours of the night. i am glad though that seeing and having some daddy time worked and she went back to sleep and slept long enough to allow you to get some much needed rest too! :)

i hope she is feeling better today and sleeps well for you tonight without any parties at 3am. ;)

Resa said...

Hey there I'm going through withdrawals. I know you're busy, but could you humor me and post something? ;o) J/K. lol. I hope you and AM are doing well. :)

Misty said...

Thanks so much for asking....that is sweet of you....I'm going to post out, it might be a doozy!!!