Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The loooong goodnight(nap)---the one that didn't happen!

Where to start.................

OK I'll start with tonight. I went to my WW meeting and my weight is the exact same as it was 2 weeks ago......I'll look at that as a positive thing. I'm fairly certain that I'm still losing, but sometimes I just eat too much salt and by the time my 6 o'clock WI comes around....I'm bloated. I did shave off 2 lbs on my scale 1 hour before going just by drinking a glass of water and then depositing it in the potty. The reason I think I'm still losing is that my morning weight, the one before I eat, keeps going down. I'm gonna go for getting the evening one down this week. We did our dancing the past couple days after taking the weekend off. That definitely helps as does the pilates I've been doing.

Today was a very loooooooong day. We had a good time for the most part, but AM was a spazz and I think maybe an alien in a parallel universe switched bodies with her today. Some little alien mom was glad to have my angel for a day, but she can have her whining spazzy little poot back. I do have to say she redeemed herself right at bedtime. She was all snuggly and she can win me over with snuggles anytime...and she knows that.... and I know she knows it....and she know that I know that she knows it.......ya know? Little girls learn how to work their charms at a young age. We went to the JBF sale and got her summer wardrobe as well as 4 pairs of shoes and who knows how many books! The kid loves books, which is awesome! She gets that from me--I'm taking credit for this one. Dan likes to read now, but he only started reading after he met me. He said that before that he couldn't remember the last book he read and actually finished. Hmmmm....the problem was the crap he was trying to read.....he gave me a book that he was trying to read and I didn't finish it either. So I hooked him up with some good stuff and the rest is history. Now he reads everynight before bed like I do. I may not do much to fill my family's tummy, but I keep their heads full of stuff ;)

Ok so we (Murry, Mamaw, and Mom(the M's)) went to JBF, then hit Jason's Deli, where I made semi-bad choices on WI day and I'm sure that didn't help. Then we went to Garden Ridge. Miss Murry was a total poot every time things didn't go just her way. Grrrrr.....I took her out of the stroller for God only knows what reason. Then when I went to put her back and she cried, Mamaw came to the rescue...which didn't help......and I forgot her snack and anyone with a toddler know how important the freakin snack is.....it's almost like a kiddie crack---they HAVE to have it and now! I may have to stay home tomorrow just to put in her place. That's how looooong the day was.....

Then after we got home, I tried to put her down for a nap. You may have noticed the word "tried" there. She played crib trampoline, and talked to her bears, and tried to talk to me. I even went in and got ugly about it, but she wasn't closing those eyes. She laid there and played in her crib for almost and hour and a half!!! So at 5:30 it was time to pack it up and head to my meeting with my non-napped child. She did fine during the meeting, but I think the tired-ass bug hit her right as we left and she was fussy all the way home. Fussy sucks!

I've been busy running here and running there for things on the house. And I know that is just gonna get busier for a while. I think I've got paint, carpet and tile figured out. Carpet is still iffy and I need to check one more place before I choose. Next is countertops, appliances, and light fixtures. Whoohooo........

A few Ann-Marie'isms to live by:

  1. when you're eating eat the food and not the plate....not the plate, not the plate, not the plate, not the plate........I told her to pick up the pizza today and not the plate and I'll bet ya she said "not the plate" about 200 hundred times after that.......I think when she learns a new phrase she likes to really wear it out!
  2. As you walk through Garden Ridge....ask your mom if you can "touch it please" 3000 times till her sanity is questionable. And because her sanity is not there...she answers you 2500 of those times.....why? why?
  3. Hear every baby within a 5 mile radius and ask your mom if you can "hold da baby" when she has no clue what you're talking about because her baby radar is focused on the baby right in front of her.
  4. Melt your mom's heart when you ask to dip your grilled cheese sandwich in her tomato soup so you can be just like her.....then say "dip it" and smile cheezily every time you dip it!
  5. Say "luboo" as Mom walks out the door after tucking you in and telling you goodnight before she gets the chance to say love you. *sniff, sniff* *wiping the single tear, but still sighing a huge sigh of relief that the lil one is tucked away for the night*
Yeah I have more to say, but I think I'm brain dead from spending too much time with a nutty toddler today so I'll have to re-gather my thoughts, knock out the cobwebs and put up some more tomorrow.


Trisha said...

;)) Hope am isn't a poot for you today! Hurry up and get that house finished so I can see it again.

Matt is the same way about books, when he described me to his mother when we moved in together he said "She reads" LOL goob!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhh sure blame it on the Mamaw!!!! I swear the things you make up on my sweet little girl..she was the perfect angel and you know it...Where DO you come up with these things???????

Misty said...

A very dirty look in Mamaw's direction.....WHATEVER! Maybe you were on a different shopping trip that I was....

Trisha~~~You have me wondering about the girls Matt dated before you......lol ;) I thought everyone read....but apparently some ppl don't.

Resa said...

Sorry you had such a rough day, but I can sympathize. As you read my "angel" hasn't been much of an angel lately. I hope it gets better for both of us. I hope today was better for you. :)

Hang in there cause the "luboos" are by far the best part of motherhood. ;o)