Monday, March 13, 2006

Off and running..

That's the name of the game this week. Murry and I were off and running all day and apparently tomorrow is more of the same. We hit the carpet stores today--2 of them. I got the tile ordered and I think I may have finally settled on a carpet--exciting stuff! She was a good little shopper and I hope it holds out for tomorrow. Tomorrow is countertops and ordering carpet. Finally!

So we were in the carpet store and this balding fella with a mustache is walking around looking at carpet samples minding his own business. My darling daughter is pointing at him and saying something. I hear her, but I'm trying to move along and quickly. The saleslady finally she saying "Dr. Phil". And she was, of course. Yes my 19 mos old daughter knows who Dr. Phil is and now she's pointing at complete strangers yelling it! I don't know which part of that is worse.......... Luckily the guy wasn't paying attention or if he was he had the courtesy not to let on and make the situation sticky. I know she's going to "Santa Clause" someone soon. A few guys on TV have already gotten it.

Big news on the potty front.....3 of 4 pee pee's went in the potty today! Whoohooo! The candy bribing is working out. She wants to pee on the potty now! That's the good news. We had never really discussed poo poo too much. So needless to say, we had to discuss how Tinkerbell doesn't like it when you poo poo on her, and Mom got her first experience at cleaning the poo out of the panties......not so much fun!

Oh and today was, I love Mommy day--my favorite day. She wanted me to hold her a lot and wanted to hang out with Mom a lot. Lately she's been a Daddy's girl, but not today.

They were hanging out by the window and Dan was trying to put it down since it was cold and something popped loudly. Ann-Marie says "DanIEL" in her best mommy voice.....LMAO! That's my girl!!!!! Dan said, "Well if she isn't just you all over" Awwwww.

Today was a good day in Murryland. She was a good kid with not too much fuss or whine.


Trisha said...

Glad she was good for you today! I am not ready for potty training, I can tell you that much. yuck

teehee Daniel!!!

Resa said...

Sounds like you are some busy girls. ;) Can't wait to see the house when it's done. ;)

YAY for the PT progress. I sure wish I could get Dyl to progress.....Spring Break is next week and I think I am going to push him a little and see if we can move forward. *crossing my fingers*

Glad she has been good for you. Makes life much easier when you have a lot to do.