Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...........

How is it that I miss my girl before I even drop her off??? I mean I want a little break and I have a great time once I'm out, but I get this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach when I know it's time to leave her.....and I'm leaving her with Mamaw, so I know she's gonna be fine and she's gonna have a blast! Oh the insanity of motherhood.........

It is nice to have a few hours out where all I have to worry about is me......sort of. I don't have to wonder how much pee-pee is in the diaper, or if she might be getting hungry, thirsty, or sleepy. I don't have to entertain anyone, dress them, or keep their behavior in line. (wellllll maybe I have to watch myself a little ;) ) I don't have to read anybody any stories, or watch Monsters for billionth time. I don't have any little people to pick up or any toys laying in the floor around the house for that matter for those few hours. I don't have to wake up to someone yelling "mommy" and needing my attention immediately. And you know what? When I don't have all that to think about, I really, really miss it. I feel at a loss being able to hop in the car without buckling my girl in behind me. (I do enjoy listening to some loud music, however.) And after just a few hours, I'm ready to go get my baby girl.

She went to stay at Mamaw's for the night last night, and I enjoyed my time away from her, but I was very anxious to see her. I woke up the next day....and I thought about all those things that I always think I want to get done when she's not around to keep me distracted...and you know what? I said pooey on it, I can't wait that long to see her. So I got around and I did make a few quick stops along the way, but I was back before 24 hours was up. She was without her mommy from 6pm Fri. to 2 pm Sat. Whew! I think we've only been apart for 24 whole hours one time. Mamaw did keep watching her while I went to check out the new paint and try out yet more carpet samples. They took a nap sweet. Thanks Mamaw for watching my little angel girl. I know she had a great time with you!

Tonight when bedtime rolled around, there was no way I was giving up my snuggle time. Daddy has been doing storytime since he's gone so much. But tonight was all mine. We cuddled and snuggled and all was right with the world because my baby was right where she was supposed to be.....with her Mama.

Now how in the hell am I going to survive her first day of school? They may have to pry her away from me---LOL!


Anonymous said...

Well she was such a good girl and we had a really good time being silly..and dont feel so guilty...a little time away, it does a body good:)

Resa said...

Awww. I know what you mean, but that's what makes you a great mommy. I am already dreading leaving my baby in May for a week.......a WEEK!! Acck! What was I thinking. I know we are going to have a blast and he will have a great time with his grandma, but a WEEK? Oh my. I need not think about that again for a while. :p

I had a great time Fri night. We have to make plans to do that again soon. ;)