Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Naughty Behavior

I stayed up waaaay too late last night reading blogs and surfing the net. This is what happens when I don't have a good book to read. I just finished "The Wedding" by the way and it was wonderful, superb, and excellent. When I finish a good book like that it makes me feel a little lost. I used to not even consider staying up past midnight, but for some reason since I got a computer--sleep is optional. For a while anyway. Then I'll get to a point where I'm about to fall over and just go to bed early and nap as often as possible. Then apparently I start this all over again. I try very hard, but I'm just not good at the moderation thing. I get way to much into whatever my latest addiction is. Right now it's blogging, preceeded by message boards, chatting, scrapbooking, reading(this one seems to stick for life, but goes through phases), my child, teaching(yes i was obsessed with teaching), school, eating, drinking, partying---i'll stop now before it gets ugly. ;)

Anyway Murry woke up in a mooood. She wanted to hold her new baby and hold her while I changed her diaper which makes it impossible to change the diaper. This was worth screaming her freaking head off. I guess I didn't knock hard enough on the wood last night. What she didn't know is that Mamabear stayed up tooo late last night having herself a little party, and wasn't in the mood to listen to screaming first thing in the morning--ok at 10:15, but stillll. So she landed herself in the slammer---naughty spot--- where she proceded to sceam her head off for her 2 minutes of jailtime. Now I know this isn't how this is supposed to go, but what can I do? So then I go in and sit on the toilet till she calms down. (the naughty spot is the laundry room which is in the bathroom--handy huh?) She finally calms down after a few seconds of me sitting there staring at her and mission accomplished--i didn't give in to the fit and the child is no longer screaming. Back to that diaper she's glad to have me changing her soaked bottom because she sure as hell doesn't want to be back in the naughty spot. Score one for Mom! Plus I have to throw in how proud I am that I'm able to keep my cool since I just woke up and was being screamed at at the top of her lungs and if you've ever had the pleasure ---she has a great set of lungs! I hope she's a famous singer someday so she can take care of her ole Mama......heehee

Then onto breakfast--this went well and I put on the Monsters so I could clean the kitchen and dh calls to say he's coming home for lunch. That's a nice surprise. She was glad to see him for a bit as was I considering how much he's gone lately.

That said--why does he undo everything I do! I had tied a little snowman to the balloon so I wouldn't have to rescue it from the ceiling every five minutes. He proceeds to undo this within 5 minutes of being home. I also don't want her playing with things that are off limits---like cell phones--which he let her play with as soon as he walked in the door. It also leads to bratty behavior which is the enemy in my world. I think he's just trying to be Mr. Cool Dad! Well I have another think coming for him............

Ok off to go be productive for a little bit, but I'm sure I'll have more breaking news for you as the day goes on........................

1/2 a day later.........

Murry and I spent some good time together once I got off the computer. We played with the little people--she's real into her farm right now, and we took care of baby Suzy. (Suzy started the whole mess this morning if you'll remember, but I tried not to hold a grudge though I did give her an evil eye once or twice) We did our Disney dancing. I can honestly say we've done it enough that she's noticing the routine. She was all excited and I put a new one on (she has 3) and she was enthralled. Her little dance moves are sooo cute and she loves to hold my hand and turn in circles. I look like a total spazz--I know this for sure since I can see my reflection in the TV screen--but she could care less! After that time to wind down--we played with the people some more and watched Dr. Phil. Then it was time for a story and a nap. Whooohooo naptime! Got in some good computer time and actually had to go wake the girl up at 6:00..........speaking of I better go to bed at a decent time since she took a 2 hour nap--she may get up early----anything before 9am being early. We have this wacky schedule right now since D doesn't get home till around 8 or 9 and she has to have her bonding time with Dad. I'll be glad when the house is done and we can roll it back an hour or so.

I told Dan I would write it in my book--since I don't have a book this will have to do---he took the trash out tonight without me having to even ask--amazing--I was so in shock that I asked him to do it and didn't even notice it was already done.

Ok I've bored you long enough and if I come up with more I can always post it later because it's my blog! LOL

1 comment:

Trisha said...

It's working today... YAY! Glad your day went well and D came home for lunch, wish M would sometimes so I can go back to bed. 10 am :P I don't want to hear about it. I'm going to leave a video recorder over there so I can see you look like a spaz ;))