Saturday, February 18, 2006

Mad Cow Disease Strikes Again!

I was contemplating getting Miss Murry out since the other time we got a good snow, she was too sick to play in it. Luckily Daddy stayed home today since the weather was nasty and he was able to take her out there to play. She wanted to go out there so bad and when I told her it was cold, she started in on the whining and crying. She got to go out once she calmed down. She really didn't have appropriate clothing, but we layered her up pretty good and put on a hat and mittens. This pic was before though and the cow hoodie has gotten a little too tight since Halloween --thus the pissed off cow look. LOL Ok--so child goes out and freezes her little petunia off--you'd think that would make her want to come back to the nice warmth of the house, right? Wrong! What is wrong with kids that they suddenly can't feel the frostbite when the powdery white stuff falls on the ground? She had a blast though and fell in it, ate it, and made little snowballs to throw at the window. It was when it was time to come in that she threw a huge fit which I tried to let her Daddy handle it, but I think he's not been around enough lately to know how to best handle a fit and it's not that I think he's a bad Daddy or anything--I've figured my way through trial and error. Plus he doesn't ever want to spank her or put her in the naughty spot. I'm guessing this is because he's not around much. You seeing the terrible cycle here. This of course makes me the discipline nazi. Fun, fun. So here he is with a toddler in full blown fit, and it's all I can do not to run over there and just take over..........I did however exercise self control. Read--I didn't run over and take control, but I did coach a little from the sidelines. hee hee My control freakin self couldn't just hand it all over now could I? He worked it out and did a pretty good job. Teacher says B- for today. I saw good things happening, but also room for improvement. She did land in the naughty spot for a little stay, but she pepped back up. She knows that I mean what I say and she knows that Daddy's easy-- ;) So she was a bit of a tootie today--trying his patience as he hasn't been around her for a whole day in a long while. Hopefully when she gets up from her nap, she'll return to being the little sweetheart that I know and love.

Here are some pics from their snow playing. Photographed by moi, of course, in the comfort of my warm home in my bathrobe. I did get dressed--I just like the robe--so quit looking at me like that..........I said stop it............Anyway--the pics:

The father-daughter walking away one tugs at my heartstrings...Awwww. The snowball sharing , red-faced, snot dripping one just makes me LOL---ewwww that's some super sexy snot you got going on there D!

Ta-ta for now--more to come--threat or promise take it as you will....*big cheezy ass grin*


Trisha said...

Awww great pics! Yeah I like the snot to D...

Glad Tally is at my moms or I would have wanted to get her out in it and that wouldn't be right since she is getting over that cold. ;))

Resa said...

Awwww looks like she had fun outside with daddy. :) I am hoping that we can get out Monday to play a little before it melts.

Thanks for the tip on typing up posts in Word. I'll have to try that.

Misty said...

It has saved me from cussing blogger as much---I hope they get it fixed soon.