Saturday, January 27, 2007


Murry on Mommy:

In this pic she is saying, "Mom, you're a picklepotamous" I love these jammies on her. So cute. I think these were from Aunt Weez. I had a harder time keeping up this year with the way she ripped thru the packages. We got out today, thank goodness! We both were getting cabin fever and on each others nerves. She misses nothing and comes up with some goofy stuff. She's also having a "let's try Mom" phase. Maybe due to boredom. Maybe sickness, whatever it is, I'm ready for it to be gone. The last 2 days have been better.

Mommy on potty training:
I do need to have a braggy mommy moment. I think she's like 99% potty trained! Oh what a beautiful day.! There has been one accident and 2 almost accidents in the form of skidmarks since my plopper announcement. I'm so happy just to be cleaning skidmarks out panties rather than changing a diaper. How cool is my life? I've graduated to skidmark cleaner! No matter how ready you are for each milestone,though, there is a touch of sadness when you see your "baby" slipping away. I said touch. Motherhood is one big contradiction for me. I push her to grow up and move along, then I'm sad when she does it. But only for a moment then we're on to the next big thing.

Murry on learning:
So I was reading on how some kids her age knew their letters already, and I thought okay, well maybe I should work on that with her. She knows the alphabet song real well. Has since 20 mos, but she doesn't know and A from Z. So I bought some foam letters and I was trying to talk to her about them in the bathtub. You know what she told me. ---Mom, I don't want to do learning today--- See and here I thought I was being sneaky. I laughed and asked what she wanted to do with them. Well she wanted to stick them on her chest, bite on them, stick them on my forehead and use them as boats. I said, ok kid have at it. There will plenty of time for learning. She's quick and it makes me want to push her, but I also want to enjoy this time. Buuut it did make re-think the preschool thing. I thought I could teach her anything they did...but she might learn better in a preschool environment. She learns a lot from songs and shows. I point things out and work with her in her books, but she she doesn't like direct or structured instruction. And that's okay! So there is another little tidbit for me to chew on.

We're just so glad to be feeling better! I hope the sickness is done wreaking havoc at my house!

So... are these smiling eyes, or serious eyes? First one to post the right answer, gets a prize!


Trisha said...

LOL A prize! They look like smiling eyes to me ;)

Trisha said...

Yay on the potty training!!!

Resa said...

YAY on the potty training! YAY for feeling better! :)

I was going to say smiling eyes, but since Trisha beat me to it I'll take serious eyes. ;)

Lisa said...

um i don't think i'll be getting a prize...since there are only two I am glad you guys are feeling better and able to leave the house. Yay Miss AM on the potty training. We are making headway here...except i have to work and not be lazy so ...i'll have to get used to it. Hope to see you soon!