Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!

Just a quick post to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I hope the new year brings fun,joy, and peace in our hearts. Here is how I've been feeling lately.

Pooped! In so many ways. I've been feeling under the weather since Christmas Day. This picture of Miss Murry was taken the Thursday before Christmas weekend. She had a long day of fun, and we tried to skip the nap. She crawled under here to take a poop and fell asleep! Hee hee! She slept right there for about an hour. It was too sweet.

I have a few other cute pics to share, but it's late and I'm pooped. So Happy New Years to all my favorite people! :-D


Lisa said...

cute! she pooped and was pooped.

Resa said...

Sooo cute!

I hope you are feeling better and getting some rest.

Happy New Year!