Friday, December 22, 2006


Beau was hit by a car Saturday Dec. 16th. We had gone out for Daniel's birthday and came home to find him already passed. He was a good natured, happy dog and we will miss him. You don't realize how much a part of your life they are till they are gone. He used to sit outside the window at night when I was in here on the computer or scrapbooking. He was a big help with my diet as I brought him part of my dinner a lot! He was good with Ann-Marie and just loved being around people.

Someone dumped this cute little puppy right on our doorstep when we lived up on the mountain. Up there, there wasn't much traffic and he was very loved by all the neighbors. We didn't keep him pinned up much and when we did, he was miserable. He was born to hunt and he liked to take off at night and do his thing. During the day, he spent most of his time lounging in the yard. Anyhow when we moved into the duplex, he was miserable to be stuck in a backyard. Then we moved out here and put in an underground fence. It worked for a while, but then he decided it was just worth it to run throught the "shock" and get out to go to the pond or to chase gofers. I am sad to have lost him, but I think I would have been sadder yet to see him locked up day after day and miserable like he was when we were at the duplex. Some dogs are just born to run and with that comes a certain amount of danger or risk. There are certain idiots who drive 90 mph down this road and I hope the bad karma comes back to get them if they in fact ran over our Beau. I'm glad he had 4 happy years with us and we will miss him.


Lisa said...

((misty)) Im so sorry you lost him. That really sucks.

Trisha said...

I'll miss him too! It was weird not seeing him this past week! :(

(((Misty & Dan)))

Resa said...

((((Misty)))) Sorry to hear about Beau. That's really sad. :(

Anonymous said...

Misty I'm so sorry you lost your Beau. Maybe Beau and my Tana are chasing gofers in heaven. {{Misty}}