Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Some days your the windshield, some days your the fly...

Some days your kid cries at the drop of the hat making you feel like that fly splattered there on the windshield. So in short my day with AM was not the best one.

We ran errands today. Just a few things I've been putting off.... There are always some of those. I did make it by the veggie stand and pick up the lt to make blt's. I had bought some very lean turkey bacon...I do not recommend it. Next time I'll try the fattier turkey bacon or the leaner pork bacon. I did make a super duper find. It's this Yogurt cheese. It comes in jalepeno and garlic and takes the place of mayo or cream cheese. It made the yummy list and is .....drumroll....0 POINTS!

Top ten reasons to have a meltdown today:

  • You can't lay on the dog
  • You can't pull the dog's tail
  • You want sunglasses that mama mentioned getting
  • You can't put your sunglasses on...
  • but you don't want "help" either with putting them on
  • You don't like lettuce and you're crazy mom put some on your blt sandwich
  • You have to eat some sandwich b4 you get chips..
  • Your Papaw wants to show you a bird..
  • and he wants you to ride the tractor which you usually Loooove ...
  • You are cutting some teeth and your mom has a limited amount of patience available.

Ok, so she really only had 4 meltdowns today, but we get by with none or 1 so it was a long day with a short nap. And I love her, and I'm so lucky to have her.... Doesn't mean I have to love the tantrums...and you can't make me!!!!

So that was the shit list...

Now here's the sweet list....and funny...

  • Today once she grabbed my face and planted a big one right on my lips....for no reason at all
  • She called her Uncle Ricky a "gomer Pyle" all on her own...that is just one of those priceless moments..
  • Tonight when I sang to her, she said, "that's a cool song" crack me up! (oh it was Amazing Grace...her new favorite)

The sweet list is shorter, but each one of those is worth more.....

Uncle Ricky was giving Mom a hard time cause I had her sit in the car so I didn't have to drag her out, again! He was out there mentioning Papaw and Mamaw was telling him to nix it. Well when he walks away...Murry says, "Gomer Pyle" It just cracks me up that she is learning when to use some of these phrases.

On the cool song thing...I had told her that earlier about a song I was singing. I just needed to sing and she associates it with me wanting her to sleep. Which is oh so very upsetting sometimes. She loves it at bedtime, but not in the car....goober.

Having another calgon night! How did I make it without this tub? Next step...someday far into the future....a hot tub!


Resa said...

Oh my, sorry you had such a rough day. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you both. The sweet momments sure do out weigh the rough ones in a big way. I think that's why God made them soo cute. ;)

Trisha said...

Sorry you had a rough day! The sweet times always mask the not so sweet times, otherwise we wouldn't have kids ;)

I'm not going to make you do anything... well except when you get the hot tub your inviting me over!!

Her Grace said...

Rough days are tough, but the beauty is...there's always tomorrow!

Lisa said...

ahh...hope you get more good moments tomorrow...that's cute about her comic timing. What kind of turkey bacon did you use? I use Jenny 0 and i fry it in the skillet....only. But yeah it's definitely an aquired taste.

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughin over the "gomer pyle" comment. And remember last night when we asked her who was gomer pyle.......she looked straight at...guess who???? Uncle Ricky!!!!!!!!!!! Today will be better!!!!!

Misty said...

Yeah today's looking somewhat better...

I used the was okay. I did pan-fry and some in the oven...just not crazy about it.