Wednesday, March 22, 2006

One long whiny post with a few sprinkles of cheer...

Another day of this cold weather that just sucks! I was so ready for nice warm weather and parks and general fun.......where is spring??? Miss Murry has bad allergies or a mild cold...not sure which yet. Nasty runny nose, but it's clear and the bad cough that kept us up for a good part of the night. So today was another hanging on the couch watching videos kind of day. We watched both Santa Claus movies today. We did stop to have a tea party and a tickle fight. She loves to take my hair and tickle my nose with it. Here's a schedule run show you just how boring the day has been so far....

  • 10:00 wake up call from Miss Murry came about 9:45 actually, but I had to drag myself out after the long night.
  • 10:01--diaper change --no patience for potty time today.....won't even go there.....
  • 10:05--breakfast--cereal and milk
  • 10:20 --feed the dogs
  • 10:25--clean up breakfast mess
  • 10:30--put on Santa Claus...fall onto couch and snooze till 11
  • 11:00 --dh calls
  • 11:15--call over--back to and out of consciousness while kid plays, watches video and hugs and kisses on me...
  • 12:00 give up the snoozing..have a tea party with darling daughter...
  • 12:30 Put on another Santa Claus movie--color a picture with dd
  • 1:00--change diaper and daughter gets sassy about it
  • 1:05--lands in kiddie jail for a few minutes
  • 1:06--B throws up in the floor so I get to clean that up while I'm supposed to be cooling off from my kid's sucky attitude.....
  • 1:08--after negotiating with Miss AM and getting my apology she is bailed out...
  • 1:15--Mommy is laying on the couch again...have I mentioned this weather sucks??? We do play with the dolls and have a little tickle fight here.
  • around 2:00 get up and make lunch and corn for the kid...chicken wraps for mom....
  • 2:30--lunch over...clean up kitchen while kiddo colors some monkeys.....
  • 3:00--sit down and color with my darling
  • 3:30--turn movie back on and start up computer to see if the outside world still exists
  • 3:33--I have dial-up....outside world does exist....and there is supposed to more sucky weather headed our way. whoohooo :rolleyes:
  • 4:00--put Miss AM down for a nap
  • 5:21 here I sit.......

I could get things done while the kids sleeps if she could sleep while I get things done. You see what I'm saying. She wakes up at a mousefart......always has. I gave up being very productive during naptime when she was about 6 or 8 mos old. Somewhere in there.

Our next house has insulation in the interior walls..... :) ....a mom can dream, right???

It's not that I want to do tons while she sleeps, but a load of laundry, dishes, that sort of thing.

But no I'm trapped here in this little place with a kid who has sleep issues and I have to be quiet as a mouse.....nighttime is a different story. She sleeps right through everything at night, unless she's sick. By the time nighttime does roll around, I'm usually so tired all I want to do is plop into my chair and veg out for a couple hours before hitting the hay myself.

I could really use a Diet Pepsi right about now....any takers on bringing me one.???


Trisha said...

(((Misty))) You can bring me by a DP when you get out though ;) Hope the day is better... today!

Anonymous said...

i totally understand about the 'wakes up at a mouse fart'!!! Carson has been that way since he was about 3 months old. I cant check on him at night b/c he wakes up to foot steps on the carpet. *rolls her eyes*

sorry it was such a boring day! the weather is supposed to be warm and pretty next week. :)