Sunday, March 26, 2006

I had a good weekend...Thank you for asking!

Murry is recovering's turned into big old scabs and now she wants to pick at it. So they can't hurt too bad if she's picking at them. She's making me sound like my mom...or most any mom now...."quit picking at your face!" Dan also says that one to me.......ahhh adult acne.....but luckily it's not as bad as it used to be. Thanks to Mary Kay skincare! If you need a Mary Kay consultant...let me know. I have a great one!

Over the weekend we went to the house to check out the tile which is done now. My dh and my dad did it and they did a beautiful job if I do say so myself. Now this week is clean up and getting ready for final stages of electrical, mechanical, and plumbing. We're in limbo with countertops...till Thursday. And the carpet should be in this week to be picked up. Our deadline for our interest rate is April 14th so we're in a rush now. Wish us luck, cause we're gonna need it!

I ended up over at Mom's house and staying for dinner. She made a yummy, but fattening dinner. MMmmmm! Then we headed home for what I thought would be a regular Saturday night of hanging at home. I ended up going out with a couple of my girlfriends for some good conversation and fun ;) Thanks girls! I had a great time!

Today was a stay-at-home and clean up the house sort of day. Got it cleaned up for the most part and many loads of laundry done. I won't bore you with details of housecleaning and laundry.

This week looks wide open. I hope it stays that way and I get to make at least a few plans that do not involve the house business.

Murry's not a baby anymore. She's really growing up and seeming more and more like a little person everyday. We can have give and take conversations--at times. She really surprises me at how fast she's learning and catching onto things. Saturday we had an accident-free potty day. Today 1 accident. She's been waking up dry in the morning. As much as I wasn't ready for this and still am not sure that I am....I have to follow her lead. She's interested and she's doing her best.

A few things that melt my heart......

  • When she says,"Thank you, Mama" at the right time and without me asking her to say it.
  • When she says "Bless you" to about anyone who sneezes.
  • Her diaperless little bum.....big girl panties for my baby *sniff, sniff*
  • The way she does her arms when she runs.....that one also makes me laugh!
  • When she comes up to me and says, "Hold you, please?"

As you can tell, I'm really working on her manners. I think it's the teacher in me. Manners are almost a lost cause in the elementary school today. I had one student who had the best manners EVER. I was so impressed with her. It was obvious she had been raised that way. As the year went on, I learned she had been home-schooled. I rocked the boat by putting her up for a national award in the 2nd month of school since she was new to the public school system. The category respect(manners were a requirement) and this kid deserved it. She didn't do it because she wanted an award, she did it because it's the right way to be. So I got jazzed a little for it....big deal. I never was one to follow the rules--especially unwritten rules that come from peer pressure like that. Needless to say, I required manners from my students so I wouldn't consider not requiring it of my own children.


Resa said...

Sounds like a pretty good weekend. :)

I am big on the manners thing to. I just won't have my child being rude and disrespectful......If I having anything to say about it anyway. He also uses "thank you momma" and says "bless you"....even if you cough and then expects a "thank you" for his bless you. LOL. We are working on please. He will use it if it's something he REALLY wants, but forgets for just everyday stuff. His new thing is "sorry momma". For everything. I am working on him with just using it for things he needs/should be sorry for. kwim. Anyway, I'll stop rambling on about my kid now. ;)

You are doing a great job with her and she's lucky to have you.

YAY!!!! for the potty training. :D

Trisha said...

Aww Yay Murry! Can't wait to see her this week, it's been so long. I had a great night Saturday too, can't wait to do it again. TTYL!