As you can see from the pic, Miss Murry took a spill. She was walking out of the store, and was blinded by the bright sun. She says, "ohhh bright!" She stepped right off the curb and hit the concrete face first. :( I felt so awful. It's her first boo-boo with blood and scratches. We've had lots of bruises, but no blood. I thought Nana had ahold of her hand and Nana thought I had her hand.......
I cleaned her up and she'll be okay, but it's just hard to see your little one get hurt especially when I could have easily prevented it. It actually looks worse than in this picture as it has had time to bruise more and swell.
Ok onto to a more positive note. I got a lot accomplished today. We had a run, run, run day.
- oil change--we dashed over to Rib Crib for some lunch while this was being done
- paid for carpet and picked a nice cushy pad for the Suga Booga to "fall" on--I figure I spend enough time in the floor and will need it :-D
- picked out and bought appliances
- returned movie
- picked up a fresh smelling B from the groomer
That pretty much sums up the day till about 4 when we came home and took a nap together. She really likes napping with me and I was tired from the lack of sleep this week. Plus there is the whole guilt factor for letting her fall on her face. She's been up every night for anywhere form 1-2 hours. Always at 1:30 right about the time I'm either laying down or drifting off.
A few quick Murry-isms from the past few days:
- My favorite one: We were in the bathroom doing our business and she looked to see what I had done and said, "yay mommy" *clapping* "pee-pee in the potty" Now who else is gonna cheer for me when I go pee??? Sweet girl! Oh and she did the same for her Dad later on. :)
- I can't remember where she picked this one up...from me I'm guessing...but when we come to a stop-light or sign...she says, "Go, Mama, go, go."It's more like she's cheering you on than giving orders. It's the sweetest.
- I'm making a mole out of her like my mom did me....I keep it pretty dark in the house...and when you turn on a light or go into the sun...as in the whole falling down incident...she blinks her eyes and says, "too, bright"
- She had malt-o-meal tonight and listening to her try to say malt-o-meal was a hoot!
- Right now she's in an "I want my mommy at bedtime phase" and I love it! Shhhh don't tell Dan. --She does want him a lot of the time, but she knows who puts in the nightime hours with her when she's sick.....;)
That's about it. On the potty front we had a good day. She only used 1 diaper today. She held it the whole time we were running errands and there was only 1 accident all day and it was a poop. Progress! :) We still have a long ways to go, but it's looking promising that she can be trained by age 2.
The house is getting so close....then my life can return to some form of normal.....if there is such a thing...lol!
Thanks to those who take the time to read....I know some days are just boring stuff, but isn't that how life goes.....anyway if read, drop me a line. :)
Sorry about her boo-boo, it's happens though. They dont react nearly as much to them as we do. I think that really is a case of 'it hurts me more than it hurts you.'
Great news about the potty-training!! what a big girl. :)
OUCH! That looks like it hurt. :( Poor girl. Don't feel bad though if this is the first big owie she's had your doing better than me. ;) Dylan had to have stitches at 8months old. Hope she's feeling ok today.
YAY for the potty training progress!!! Want to send her over here to teach Dlyan? :p
Poor Murry! Don't blame yourself mom, it's not your fault! YAY on the potty training, YAY for you going potty too ;)
I'm ready for your house to be complete but then again I'm not. Further drive.... ugh! LOL
Sorry to hear about her boo boo. You need to get her a shirt that says "I fell down folks!!" That's so great that she is close to potty trained! One less thing when you have the other set of diapers to change right?
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