Sunday, July 16, 2006

Life gets busy..but I still take pictures... ;)

Tonight AM was so excited to go over and play with Jewel. She's so good with her and I know she's loving hanging out with the older kids. She thinks she is one. For example I caught her climbing up on the top bunk. Scaaaary!
Helping daddy water the trees. Notice the lack of a tree here, but she's trying.
Cheesing out with Mamaw. This is one of my favorite shots of those two. Definitely a keeper!

Fireworks over the 4th. It was a great show! Murry liked it, but she kept her ears covered almost the whole time. It would have been the whole time, but someone broke out some ice cream and a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. ;) Murry likes to "paint" on the porch. She's had many hours of good fun doing this and we enjoy watching her and joining in. We give her a sponge brush and some water (clear paint we tell her. She plays along and calls it paint, but she's slipped and said water a few times too.. So we think she's onto us....
Swimming in the pool today, and even smiling for the camera. Lately I can't get a smile so this is definitely gonna be one of my favorite shots of this age.

So I'm busy doing a whole lotta nothin, but isn't that the best kind of busy?


Resa said...

LOVE the pictures!!!!

I agree doing a whole lotta nothing is the best. It ususally means that life is pretty good. ;)

Trisha said...

Great pictures!

Lisa said...

I love every picture! She looks like she's trying to be grown up on the top...and i love the tree watering...Great idea about the water paint lol