Thursday, March 23, 2006

Drama Queens, Lost $$, and the book that didn't make it home...

Big Day. We got up, ate breakfast, took a shower, and were ready to leave the house in just about 2 hours. Why is it that I can't hardly get out of the house in under 2 hours when I used to be able to make it out in 30 minutes if I needed to. I can make it an hour and a half if I shower the night before, but I feel better if I shower the day of........

Well the answer is easy....add 1 child to the mix...1 child with a flair for drama.......

She had 3 meltdowns today in the 1st hour we were up...
  1. When I went back to get her some socks....sounds stupid I know, but I think she thought I was ging back to bed...eyeroll
  2. When I couldn't make her 2nd bowl of oatmeal fast enough.
  3. When she only got 1 piece of candy for peeing in the thought was a little pee...a little candy....but to a toddler she got gypped since i usually give her two m&m's. So I guess I need to give the same number each time. There was like 5 drops of pee in the potty........but she tried.

Ok so this has all happened while we're getting ready for the day...and by now Mommy is at her wit's end and the day has just begun.

It got much better thank goodness. We went to the bank to set in our interest rate on the house, and she was good for the whole 45 minutes of Mama and Daddy signing papers. Then we grabbed lunch and took it to the shop to see Mamaw and Papaw. She had fun there like she always does. Then we went to library to grab some tax forms and a book that I had on hold. A nice little day of running errands.

Yes I said tax forms. Every year we say we won't wait till the last minute and every year, we do. And we get a REFUND! Most people can't wait to do their taxes if they are getting a refund. It's just one of those things.....

Oh and I've had the check made out for my tag since the 3rd of the month....and I'll probably wait till the last day of March. I think I just have a procrastination gene...that I definitely got form my father because we all know Mom does everything early or at least on time.

I was telling Dad just today that I "misplaced" a hundred $$ bill. Most people hang on to those. He said, "You're a dork, like me." Thanks Dad and right back at ya! ;) And the good news is I found it. It was only misplaced--never lost.

I read a book called The Time Traveler's Wife which I thought was great. So I went to pick up another book by the same author....The Three Incestuous Sisters *raised eyebrow* Well I didn't even bring it home. Turns out it's a picture book and it sucks. I sat in the library and thumbed through it while Murry read her books on the beanbag. It was beyond Stupid. To sum the Time Traveler's Wife, if you haven't and stay as far away from the Sisters as possible. I picked up Outlander.....anyone ever read that???

All I have for mind may go on another tangent this evening, and you know I'll share.


Trisha said...
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Trisha said...


Thanks for the warning on the book ;)

Anonymous said...

You are right..just like your dad! I can't say thats a bad thing tho...Its what makes you special...I know you have some of my traits tho..think about it..your a great mommy:) Glad the lost money showed!!!